Journal | Follow the 2018 Harvest | September 13, 2018

Hardscrabble Journal

Cavalry to the Rescue

Yesterday Team Linden was faced with the impossible task of harvesting eight tons of grapes from two different vineyard sites and four different blocks. The crop was ripe but beginning to show signs of degradation due to all the wet weather.

Then the cavalry came to the rescue and all was saved. Team RdV was called in and with five additional experienced people we were able to knock it all out with daylight to spare. RdV and Linden have a long and fruitful relationship going back many years. Both owner (Rutger deVink) and winemaker (Joshua Grainer) apprenticed at Linden. I felt comfortable making the “ask,” knowing that their red grapes were not yet ready to harvest. RdV is an exclusively red wine producer.

This is just one example of cooperation that has elevated our region’s wines. A rising tide lifts all boats. Pun intended given this vintage’s weather.

Linden Vineyards / Learn More / Latest at Linden | Journal: September 13, 2018