Journal | Follow the 2018 Harvest | September 19, 2018

Hardscrabble Journal

Big Push

This week we are harvesting all our red grapes. But we will not make any red wine. Growing and harvest conditions have been less than favorable for creating red wines that would make Linden proud. This is our first vintage (since 1987) that we have not produced red wine. Wine is truly made in the vineyard and there is no cellar magic that can change this.

Rosé is more appropriate for 2018. The grapes have good acidity with red cherry and cranberry flavors. The wine should be very quaffable and refreshing.

Finally, the sun is out and we are taking full advantage of good picking conditions. Yesterday we harvested most, but not all of the Hardscrabble Cabernet Sauvignon. Today we pick Avenius Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. Petit Verdot and miscellaneous blocks that we couldn’t get to will come in on Friday.

We are pretty worn out. This has been a very short, intense, and emotionally stressful harvest. Important and unusual decisions were made quickly in reaction to what the vineyard was telling us. Soon it will be time to split firewood.

Linden Vineyards / Learn More / Latest at Linden | Journal: September 19, 2018